Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Cinco de Mayo

yeah, I know it is late but here my Cince de Mayo food adventures!!!!

First: Tequila gummi bears.  Start out with gummi bears & more or less a whole bottle of tequila.  Cover & refrigerate for 3-5 days.  They turn into a chewy yummy treat!!! Did I mention they get you shitty????!!!! 

Ingredients for my churro cake.  I do not have the finished product photo :-( and the cake is long eaten.  If you can't tell, I used a boxed cake mix.  Baking is not my strongpoint & it could be but I'm too lazy at the present to make that effort.  Soooo I am a great cake mix doctor!  I started with a french vanilla cake mix but yellow, white, spice, chocolate or whatever you prefer would probably be good.  I think chocolate would be good because in Mexican cuisine cinnamon & chocolate are paired together a lot.....mmmm mental note to do that!
To make it healthier/low fat, I did make some substitutions!  Instead of oil, I used Nonfat Plain Yogurt. Vanilla would be fine.  I used egg whites instead of regular eggs.  I only eat egg whites anyway, so there is no point to ever make a special trip for eggs, too.  Keep in mind that using egg whites & yogurt make the batter more liquidy, so add the yogurt last & in smaller doses.***The only place that I added more calories was substituting the water for FF evaporated milk***  The lady in Wal-mart said this makes a moister cake (probably not FF) so I had to try it.....kind of leche.....
I also added some cinnamon. And by some I mean A LOT!!!! I want to taste this cinnamon because it needed to be like a churro.  As long as you don't get to big red flavor you're good!  I added a splash of vanilla & a sprinkle of chili powder for good measure.  Mix all. Put in 2 cake pans & bake according to package.....I can't remember the temp or time but I do know it took longer than normal.  My oven is also slow to heat up!
I frosted with a light cream cheese cinnamon frosting.  Cream cheese frosting & I are enemies: I don't like using full fat cream cheese + butter, light doesn't always like to stay in frosting form.  It turns into a sloopy mess, but damn is it delicious!


Raven Beer @ CVP

The famous Paper Moon Diner....John Waters hangs out there :faint:

my turkey Reuben @ The Gate.....I can't remember what this place is called haha.

the boy enjoying his french dip

Dirty Girl Scout shot

custom shot: Tequila, Watermelon Pucker & Orange juice.  I was imagining a sour jolly rancher & it came out delicious!

I had never been to this building, but the bar/restaurant was right across from.....

CHARM CITY CAKES!!!!! I still think Duff is lame for moving to Cali....traitor.

my first Tecate...won't be my last!

Ginormo nachos @ Holy Frijoles.


we went to the Broadway Diner in Baltimore....its been on Triple D. This is the boys...I think I just had an omelette.

we went to Vaccaro's Pastry Shop later in the day.  Last time we went, I forgot my wallet!  So we got a Vanilla & Chocolate Napoleon. It was delicious!!!!!

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